Program Speaker Assignment Overview

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Program Speaker Guidelines

Members are responsible for arranging a program for the date assigned. If you are having difficulty finding a program, the program committee has ideas and maintains a list of people and organizations that would like to be speakers. They will furnish names and you will need to make the contact and confirm the engagement.

If you are unable to do a program on your assigned date, it is your responsibility to switch with someone else who will. Please notify the committee chairperson of any changes.

Club Policy Regarding Political Speakers

No political programs will be allowed before the primary elections. After the primary, only candidates for Governor, U.S. Representative, and U.S. Senate are permitted. Seated office holders in these and other major state offices are encouraged to present situation reports of the current legislative session.

Results of Preference Poll of Members

In 1999, the club expressed an interest in the following topics:

    Town and state government,
    Youth programs,
    Local "for profit" businesses,
    Unusual occupations - any and all,
    International - other countries, cultures, customs,
    Classification talks by members,
    Visits to places of local interest, and

The club noted these programs as being "out-of-favor" and should be discouraged, at best:

    Nonprofit appeals for money.

These tried-and-true guidelines hold for today's programs.

Program Speaker Assignment List - To download a PDF of the 2012-2013 Program Assignment list, please click here.

If you have responsibility for an upcoming program, please note: Many area organizations contact the Club, eager to present a program. If you do not have someone in mind, please let the program coordinator know, so someone on the waiting list can be accommodated.

To view the latest Speaker Schedule, click here.

To view a history of past speakers, click here.

To view the Events Calendar, click here.