

President Roger Allbee welcomed all to the March 23 2023 meeting of the Brattleboro Rotary Club usually held at the Brattleboro American Legion.
Call to Order by President Roger and the Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Invocation:  Cheri Ann
Think of those who we love with love, those we don’t love and think of forgiveness and contribute to the world as Rotarians.
Twenty-nine Rotary members attended, 0 Student Rotarians and 2 guests.
Guests:  Liz Harrison introduced her husband Ian. Rob Szpila introduced our speakers, Sohaila ,NaJa, Mustafa, and Nebras.
Birthday greetings - Birthday celebrations fell apart without Rueben to lead. Missed birthdays will be granted not only the Birthday song in coming weeks but singing will be a special performance with all Rotarians singing in key.
Special messages
Next Groundworks meals –
Wednesday, April 12th
Saturday, May 13th
Friday, June 9th
Wednesday, July 12th
Wednesday, August 16th
a.    April 22 – The Gathering Place Spring Clean Up
b.    Gold Tournament, June 8th SAVE THE DATE.  On facebook, please share.
ED NOTE: Weekly assignments for the invocation or motivational thought can be found on the club website.>


For our joke of the week: 
Bees are having a hard time surviving. Scientist to increase survival of bees by genetic manipulation, bull, avian, flying fish, and finally sheep genetics.  Sheep genetics the Bees lasted longer.  Others asked, how did we do it?  May the fourth bee with ewe.
Roger, “Thanks Tom, You got a real buzz with that one!”
ED NOTE: 2022-23 weekly assignments are posted on the club website.
For the Rotary Minute,  Silent appreciation of members we sit with.
Rotary anniversaries : Ana 15 years, Cathy Coonan 31 years, Bill McKim 35 years and Dart 42 years!
  • 03/30  John Potter Latchis
  • 04/6  Assembly
  • 04/13 Groundworks
NOTE: 2022-23 weekly assignments, are posted on the club website.


  • Please bring your bottles and cans to the Putney Road redemption center to benefit Pure Water for the World. Please remember to inform the staff that the bottles and cans should be credited to the club.
  • “Like” the club’s Facebook page

FINES & Happy Dollars

  • 1.    Mark,  Teen driving program provided by Sherrif’s to reduce teen crashes. Reduction of 69% of teen crashes in Windham County.  Program integrated with drivers ed at high schools.  Build skill set before they get behind the wheel.
    2.    Chris Hart 3 yo grandson going down black diamond
    3.    Ruben, Basketball team loss in championship
    4.    Rob, Chenar got a new job working at Cota and Cota to keep fleet running well.
    5.    Rob, Ramadan has begun, Islam faith reflection on mercy and forgiveness, no food or water from sun up to sun down, celebration at end.
    6.    Jerry Theberge Thankful for crews who came to VT to get electricity back after storm
    7.    Mara, for husband birthday and he cleaned out refrigerator during power outage, and for her great trip to NYC.
    8.    Betsy and Roger met with Steve Martin from Legion regarding food quantities.  Ruben suggested a google form.  This will be discussed so people can RSVP for meeting in one spreadsheet, therefore have a count for meals.
Guest Speaker:
Mike Piecak, State Treasurer presented on the Vermont Economy and a new program proposed by Treasurers office.  
Vermont Economy:  Pandemic motivated people to move to Vermont; change of lifestyle, sense of community, strong leadership in Vermont.  Real estate transactions were up significantly.  Yet, new residents didn’t bring new jobs, paid cash for house and left the State with fewer housing options and those that were available came at a higher price.  The positive impact for the State is the people who moved here increased the number of persons in Vermont with incomes over 100k and therefore we have more people paying more taxes. State Finances show personal  income tax, up 400m from 2019 – 2022.
Not Enough staff for teaching, law enforcement, healthcare.  The new hires need housing, senior housing for down-sizing,  State Treasurers off will invest 10% cash in hand to economic development and work force development, with a focus on social equity.
Locally and state regulatory issue need to be revised to smart growth in village and city centers to help build our work force.  More people can afford to live here.  Bill in legislature act 250 reform, S.100 to allow flexibility in housing development.
Vermont Saves: Retirement security in VT.  A place to save for retirement.  88-104 thousand Vermonters don’t have a place to save for retirement. At no cost to businesses, they will provide  the opportunity for the State ROTH IRA where employees will have 5% payroll reduction to be invested in the State Roth IRA. Employees can opt out.
<ED NOTE: You can watch past presentations on the BCTV show, “Brattleboro Rotary Club Speaker Series.”>
Scribe of the Day: Maggie Lewis


Weekly changing scribes and questionable IT may have resulted in oversights and errors. We regret any mistakes.
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