
President Rob opened the meeting at our lunch meeting site: Holiday Inn Express  Brattleboro, VT. Rob welcomed all to the October 3, 2024 meeting of the Brattleboro Rotary

Liz Harrison offered the prayer.  As we gather here today as members of Rotary, we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community. Keeping in mind always the enduring values of life, exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon which future generations can build with confidence. Let us continue to strive to make a better world.

Rob lead the club with the Pledge of Allegiance

Rob presented -
Motto - Service above self
Four Way Test - Is it… the truth? Fair to all concerned? Building goodwill and better friendships? Beneficial to all concerned?
30 Members, 6 Student Rotarians and 3  guests attended the meeting.
Oza Zacoria
Mark Mewar

JOKE OF THE WEEK - For our joke or song of the week:

Mara Williams led us in God Bless America
ED NOTE: 2023-24 weekly assignments are posted on the club website.
Rotarians for Rotarians: 

New Members:

Theresa Glabach, former Student Rotarian is newest member. Please remember to sign her induction book.

Note for future presenters; The Rotary Minute could also have the speaker talk about their personal involvement in Rotary or personal background.
Years of Service in our Club for August:
On Behalf of our Club and all Rotarians, thank you for your Service Above Self
Student Rotarian updates:
Birthday greetings -
Meeting location -Brattleboro Holiday Inn Express off of Putney Rd.
Betsy Gentile discussed participation of members in “Dollar for a Dream” Raffle. Please pickup a raffle sheet to record sales. Must be submitted to Mara by 10/15/24.
Mara announced Raffle Tickets are being sold at this week’s Gallery Walk
We have enough workers for Wednesday’s Ground Works meal
Rob Spilla announced the Disc Golf Tournament was this weekend.

Student Rotarians updated the club on activities at their High Schools
ED NOTE: Weekly assignments for the invocation or motivational thought can be found on the club website.>
Jim Haine announced
Jim Haine said the Rotary website is not up to date on the assignments.  Jim sends out reminders ahead of time.  Hopefully the website will be updated soon.  You can email Jim if you have any questions about when your assignment is.

10/10 Jenny Rowe from Trust Company of Vermont
10/17 Dr. Rudy Fedrizzi – Population Health
Working on others down the road.


  • Please bring your bottles and cans to the Putney Road redemption center to benefit APPN.  Pure Water for the World is no longer operating in the USA; it continues in Honduras as APPN.
    Maria Inestroza, the PWW country director for Honduras is continuing the work in that country under the name APPM, acronym for Agua Pura para El Mundo, or Pure Water for the World in Spanish Pure Water for the World. Please remember to inform the staff that the bottles and cans should be credited to the club.
  • “Like” the club’s Facebook page

FINES & Happy Dollars

Bill Vermouth completed his 26.2 Demar Marathon last weekend
Theressa bragged for Bill Vermouth, that she did a ½ marathon, and for her boyfriend support
Bill McKim bragged about Jenny Crowel's being able to make the meeting today.
Mara bragged about the 35th anniversary of BMAC and the fundraiser's Roger and Judy Miller.
Roger Albee bragged about Grace Wright, a student Rotarian on a trip to Vietnam and her being a superstar.
Christine Hullard
Introduced by: Jenny
Program: Turing Point
Christine updated the rotary on the Turning Points mission of recovery for people. She communicated the stages of recovery, how Turning Point becomes involved and steps involved in a person's recovery.
Submitted by Bill D


Weekly changing scribes and questionable IT may have resulted in oversights and errors. We regret any mistakes.
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