Club Service

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The director of Club Service shall be responsible for all club service activities and shall supervise and coordinate the work of all committees appointed on particular phases of club service. Committees under Club Service include:


This committee shall encourage attendance at regular meetings of this club and attendance at regular meetings of other clubs when unable to attend meetings of this club; keep all members informed on attendance requirements; promote better incentives for good attendance; and seek to ascertain and remove the conditions that contribute to unsatisfactory attendance.

Classification & Membership

This committee will review and process new member applications to insure correct classification; will review periodically the existing member classifications and recommend changes where needed; and will host all orientation sessions for new members.

Club Information - Newsletter, Meet and Greet, Directory, Website

This committee shall endeavor, through the publishing of periodic club bulletins, to stimulate interest and improve attendance, announce the program of the forthcoming meeting, relate highlights of the previous meeting, promote fellowship, contribute to the Rotary education of all members, and report news of the club, of its members, and of the worldwide Rotary program.

Fellowship/Rotarians for Rotarians

This committee shall promote acquaintance and friendship among the members, promote participation by members in organized Rotary recreational and social activities, and coordinate the following events: interclub activities, district athletic events, and changeover dinner.

History/Annual & Changeover Dinners

This committee will record club history as it develops and be responsible for the safe maintenance and upkeep of the club's historical records. It will also act as "host" for the annual changeover dinner. At least one program will be presented annually by this committee.


This committee will coordinate the members in their responsibility to provide interesting programs, and will maintain a list of available programs and speakers.

Sergeant-at Arms

This committee will collect all fines as directed by the president, including automatic fines for late arriving members and for members whose photos made the local press.

Ways & Means/Financial Review